
Tagged 'tips'

The best a man can get?

For some reason I don't really understand, I shave my face almost every day. I use a manual razor, currently a Wilkinson Sword Quattro-Iced-Titanium-Strontium-something or other. I did try to stick with a perfectly acceptable Gillette three-blade razor but was forced to upgrade to a four-blader by some clever, nationally coordinated, stocking systems. Whatever's next? I'm now trying to avoid upgrading to a manual razor with a battery in, and an extra indicator to tell me to buy more blades.

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Order Yourselves


Are you going to a festive, company meal this year? Many restaurants want you to pre-order your food. This usually involves a number of frustrating, error-prone steps[1]. And, unlike ordering at the table, guests are in the dark about what everyone else is choosing.

There is a better way: FuseOrder.

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First for animal welfare?

Pie box

Maybe not first? You put the cow in a pie, in a box. Do you see?


Don't flap when reversing

Top tip: when helping someone to reverse their vehicle into a small space - don't stand behind the car and beckon them with gusto until you think they're about to hit something and then show them your palm like some kind of traffic police.

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